Nacel January 7, 1975 in Valencia. Photo Consegumi first camera when TomL communion. It was a simple compact pequeacmara, and she began to portray the world around me. Soon, this service was metindose in my veins and I needed something more than the camera, with which consegualguna good shot. When I finished my studies in Biological Sciences my parents gave me my first SLR camera. And I started to enjoy behind the lens, my photographs to reflect portions of a reality that often goes unnoticed. It was not until 2001 when I joined the Professional Photography Course EFTI school. Allaprenda love the camera, to regard it as an extension of me. Digital Retouching Course, also in school EFTI, I abriun world of new ideas, and to merge two worlds with which he enjoyed. I have participated in some contests and certmenes, both national and provincial level, such as Competition North Estacin photographic Valencia, Photography Contest La Mirada Consumer of the Department of Industry, Trade and Energy, the Photography Competition Vila de Paterna, the competition Albentosa villa in Photography, and the MAC Award in Photography 'Water. Nature and Life in the Mediterranean. " Although I have not worked as a professional photographer (only in one occasion for friends) I'm so hooked to photography that you'll never look occasionally travs a target. I love that feeling of feeling being one with the camera, feeling the ecstasy of the moment before the shot, taking a piece of the world and have the power to stop time on l.